Wow! A rare butterfly saved from extinction
Credit: Florida Museum of Natural History Here is an excellent article from Florida about restoring habitat and the cost of saving a...

Keep your yard fossil fuel free
A University of Virginia study indicates that the fragrance of flowers is diminished by air pollution. Click here to read the article:...

Saving the Monarchs
Monarch butterfly on a flowerhead of our Seacliff Buckwheat Eriogonum parvifolium plant. A plan called Monarch Head Start has now...

Birds outperform pesticides
Great article from the Cornell Lab! Northern Parula by Ryan Sanderson/McCauley Library https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/at-orchards-and...

Ecological Pest Management
Let invertebrates such as ladybugs get rid of your garden pests, instead of using pesticides. Here a Seven Spot Ladybug is at work on one...

Why lawns are not sustainable
Here is an excellent article from Ecosystem Gardening, about why lawns are not sustainable. http://www.ecosystemgardening.com/why-lawns-a...