Great information about creating habitat for bees
This chart is from the Grow Native! website: https://grownative.org/

Starlings foraging in the yard
Starlings are sometimes in the redwood tree, but I rarely see them. Imagine my surprise to see these two in our front yard, apparently...

A beautiful video of a monarch swarm in Mexico
Western Monarch Conservation
I recently attended a webinar presented by Kimberley Young, Xerces Ambassador for Education and Conservation, Xerces Society for...

Plant Native for the Native Bees in North America
Here is the link to a beautiful publication from the USDA Forest Service and Pollinator Partnership all about bees and their habitats:...

Spotted Towhee in the bath
The first time I saw a spotted towhee was last summer. I had never seen one before, and first thought it was an American robin, because...

Oak Titmouse in the Birdbath
At last! Finally captured a pretty good image of an oak titmouse in the garden. I hear them often, singing or chattering. They frequently...

National Bird Day!
In honor of National Bird Day, some birds visiting our garden today. Above, one of the hermit thrushes splashing in the bird bath. If...

Bushtit in action
Between light rain showers this bushtit landed on a cluster of dried blackberry blossoms. Either it is eating seeds or insects on the...

Bushtit and Abutilon blossoms
This bushtit was determined to snack on the sepals of an abutilon blossom. It perched on the branch of the California figwort as it eyed...