Native bees need native plants, native plants need native bees
A free online book to share with kids and teach others about our 4,000 species of North American Bees! Click here:...

Plant Native!
Join your native plant society today! https://nationalzoo.si.edu/news/new-smithsonian-study-links-declines-suburban-backyard-birds-presen...

Learn about the fascinating mason bees!
My photo of a green mason bee in a California Alba poppy Watch this great video about mason bees: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IZdjii...

All green after the rains
Here is our front yard today. After the lovely rains we experienced a couple of weeks ago the main native patch is lusher than ever. The...

More reasons to create a "wild area" in your yard
Be a hero and leave the leaves, gently putting your unraked leaves in a pile, creating a "wild space" for pollinators and other insects...

Feed Caterpillars for more Butterflies
Check here for your native plant societies in your area of North America http://www.ecosystemgardening.com/native-plant-societies-in-nort...

Between the rains
Today is another rainy day, gray and misty. It's hard to believe that just yesterday several monarch butterflies visited the garden...

Newly emerged monarch in the garden
Timing is everything! Three weeks ago the last monarch caterpillar on our native milkweed grew large and plump and disappeared to find a...

Wow! A rare butterfly saved from extinction
Credit: Florida Museum of Natural History Here is an excellent article from Florida about restoring habitat and the cost of saving a...