Plant native plants!
Check your native plant societies here: http://www.ecosystemgardening.com/native-plant-societies-in-north-america.html?fbclid=IwAR32DeHKu...

Mycelium and soil
Mycelium helps soil by breaking down organic matter, keeping moisture in the soil, helping to prevent erosion, and much more. Read about...

Bird Survival is more important than the "Perfect Lawn"
2,4-d is the herbicide TruGreen and many other companies spray all over lawns across the U.S. It's the active ingredient in most 'Weed n'...

Feed Caterpillars for more Butterflies
Check here for your native plant societies in your area of North America http://www.ecosystemgardening.com/native-plant-societies-in-nort...

Don't use rodenticides!
Barn owl photo sourced from the article below Let owls be your natural exterminators. Here is a great article that explains further the...

Wow! A rare butterfly saved from extinction
Credit: Florida Museum of Natural History Here is an excellent article from Florida about restoring habitat and the cost of saving a...

Keep your yard fossil fuel free
A University of Virginia study indicates that the fragrance of flowers is diminished by air pollution. Click here to read the article:...

Most of North America's Native Bees Nest in the Ground
A resource for the Northeastern US: https://vtecostudies.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Danforth-Lab.-Creating-a-Pollinator-Garden-for-Sp...

Saving the Monarchs
Monarch butterfly on a flowerhead of our Seacliff Buckwheat Eriogonum parvifolium plant. A plan called Monarch Head Start has now...

Birds outperform pesticides
Great article from the Cornell Lab! Northern Parula by Ryan Sanderson/McCauley Library https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/at-orchards-and...