Yup, monarch caterpillars are still here
Mama monarch keeps visiting and laying eggs, and another generation of monarch caterpillars is thriving on the potted milkweed. Our...

Another Mama Monarch visit
We were honored again with a visit from a mama monarch yesterday. After resting on the Chiapas salvia for a while, she made her rounds of...

Monarch visiting today
What a wonderful surprise to discover this male monarch visiting our garden! We first noticed him sipping the nectar from several flower...

Another Generation of Monarch Caterpillars
Some of the milkweed plants have had a chance to produce new leaves after the onslaught of monarch caterpillars last month. Mama...

Ooh, it's Monarch Number Three
The day after the second monarch, a male, emerged and flew away, the third chrysalis was in a hurry to eclose. In the late morning, this...

Presenting Mr Monarch Butterfly
This male monarch pupated beneath the lip of a large pot containing a rose plant. He is number two of our emerged monarchs and eclosed a...

Another Monarch Chrysalis getting ready
How exciting to see the chrysalides preparing to eclose! This is chrysalis number two. We check them several times a day, just to try to...

Another monarch chrysalis in the shrubbery
Aha! Another monarch chrysalis. This one is on the same shrub as another chrysalis that I observed last week. When you're patient and...

First monarch to eclose
Oh what a wondrous sight! Yesterday the first monarch, a female, emerged from her chrysalis. The day before I noticed that the chrysalis...

Monarch Wonders
Currently there are at least four monarch chrysalides around the patio, all within the vicinity of the potted milkweed plants, where they...