Winter visitors
They are all out there in the garden. I hear them in the trees and shrubs, foraging in the garden, or in the bird bath. But when it comes...

A Ruby-crowned kinglet
Several Ruby-crowned kinglets are back for their annual visit. These birds are common in forests throughout Canada and the northwestern...

White-crowned sparrows finding treasures in the rain
During a day of steady, soft rainfall, birds were out and about foraging in the nature patch of the garden. I observed twelve...

Another stunning sunset
Wow! I almost missed this one yesterday evening. Five minutes after I took this sunset photo from our front door, the sky was mostly...

Don't cut down those dead stems of native plants!
The Hummingbird Hill Native Plant Nursery took these photos with a macro lens to show how important it is to leave native plants standing...

Cute White-Crowned Sparrow
A beautiful white-crowned sparrow visited the bird bath to have a drink of water. I took these photos through a glass sliding door when I...

Gulf Fritillary in the late autumn sun
Now that the days are much cooler here, there are few butterflies around. When the daytime temperatures hit the mid-60's at the warmest,...

Hangry Monarch Caterpillars
This article confirmed what I've observed about monarch caterpillars. I've seen and wondered about the head-butting when one of these...

Ultraviolet light, flowers and pollinators
What a fascinating article and equally fantastic photos by Craig Burrows, of flowers and how they appear to pollinators. The pollen of...