Bees and the Ivy Berries
Now that many nectar producing plants are going dormant, the English ivy seems to be the main attraction for the bees. As long as...

The light at this time of year
Although I miss the longer summer days with sunlight, late autumn light is very dramatic, especially in the afternoon. Here the sun...

A wonderful book you must read
I'm currently reading this extraordinary memoir by award-winning journalist Meredith May, who is a fifth- generation beekeeper. A story...

Monarch Caterpillar Reminiscing
A month ago we still had a group of monarch caterpillars on the Narrow-leaf milkweed plants Asclepias fascicularis. I meant to cut down...

Mr Monarch defying the strong wind gusts
A male monarch visited the garden on Sunday while we were experiencing strong wind gusts. It was after nectar, and was not going to be...

Butterflies in the Wind
Butterflies held their own in spite of the very strong gusts of wind yesterday. They navigated well through the powerful air currents,...

Well hello there
Such a nice surprise to see a yellow-faced bumble bee visiting. These bumble bees had been a constant presence in our garden from the...

Bees in the Garden
The warm October weather keeps the pollinators around, as long as we there is nectar and pollen to be had. Many of the native bees seem...

Brown-eyed bushtit and the abutilon blossom
When the brown-eyed bushtits descend upon the garden they always travel in flocks of at least twelve. There is always a lot of activity...