Yellow-faced Bumble bee on Rock Phacelia
And here is one of our friends, the Yellow-faced Bumble bee, Bombus vosnesenskii, on a Rock Phacelia Phacelia californica. I'm so happy...

Have a green Halloween!
Photo: Nature Conservancy Tips from the Nature Conservancy for a green Halloween: http://www.nature.org/greenliving/gogreen/greenholidays...

Lemon Tree White Fly blight under control!
Honey bee on Lisbon lemon blossoms As you may remember from one of my early April posts, we discovered that the beloved lemon tree was...

Yikes! It's whitefly blight!
White fly larvae on a leaf of the Lisbon lemon tree. Well, apparently the lemon tree was very lucky all these years, with no diseases....

Pesky gnats and flies indoors?
No need for bug sprays full of chemicals! The safe answer to your problems - Carnivorous Plants!!! You know them! The most commonly known...