How to design a garden for native bees!
Honeybee in Rosemary hedge Check out this excellent article by Debbie Ballentine! http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/32351570/list/how-to-des...

Bird nest in the rosebush!
Bird nest deep in the Flower Girl rosebush While I was pruning dried up branches in our garden today, I discovered another surprise: a...

"More than Honey" - a brilliant film about the disappearing bees by Markus Imhoof
This is a brilliant film that is both fascinating, informative and sobering. A must see for anyone who cares about bees, the environment...

A nest in the Solanum!
While walking around our garden that doesn't look its best now that summer is ending and most plants are losing their blooms, I looked up...

must be a sign of autumn...
female house finch visiting our bird bath This summer, with such dry conditions, we decided to create and set up birdbaths for our...

let's help our friends the bees!
What's All the Buzz About? Many of the foods we need for healthy diets require bees for pollination, including many of our favorite...

hummingbird watching in the garden
Anna's hummingbird at the nectar feeder in our backyard Every time I observe a hummingbird I always feel like I'm seeing one for the...
lovely little butterfly flitting along...

In drought, "pop up" wetlands provide badly needed bird habitat!
sandhill cranes, Woodbridge, CA Thank you California rice farmers! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/13/pop-up-wetlands-drought_n_581...