Pollinators visit between the Rivers of Rain
As you probably have heard or read in the news, California is getting a lot of rain, and a few days ago in our area of Northern...

Lovely Autumn Visitors
There are still a lot of insect activity in the back field, especially little butterflies. This Vivid Dancer male was a wonderful...

Monarchs visiting!
At last! So many of us have been worried because we had seen only very few monarchs throughout the summer. And now they are making their...

First two California natives transplanted
Since there is some rain in the weather forecast, I figured it's a good time to start transplanting the California native seedlings I've...

And now they are chrysalides
So far, we have discovered two monarch chrysalides around the patio. This one attached itself to the bottom lip of a large flower pot....

Monarchs need more than milkweed
Remember, monarchs need more than milkweed! Milkweed is the only host plant for monarch butterflies. Adult monarchs must consume nectar...

Mama Monarch encounters Monarch caterpillar
Mama monarch was making the rounds of milkweed plants, laying eggs. Then she encountered a very large monarch caterpillar, minding its...

It's official. The monarch butterfly is endangered
Monarch butterflies cluster at the Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary to begin their wintering in Pacific Grove, Calif., in 2021. (Melina...

Bolinas rancher helps to bring back Monarch butterflies
https://youtu.be/KqMsgACFnlk A rancher in Bolinas, California is creating a butterfly habitat to help the Monarch population as well as...