Dragonflies in the garden
We have had several kinds of dragonflies visiting our garden daily, for several months now. It's downright puzzling to see so many of...

Happy World Bee Day!
Hello there, Wool Carder male bee! There were three males constantly circling around the native Purple Sage plant. They are very...

Yay! Wool Carder Bees are here
If you ever want to see Wool Carder bees Anthidium in action, plant Lambs Ears Stachys. I used to enjoy observing these industrious bees...

Bird Migration Alert. Lights Out!
Billions of birds are migrating now through the U.S. under the cover of darkness. Sadly, birds can be disoriented by light pollution,...

The butterflies are arriving
Hooray! Now that Spring bloom is beginning and the garden is lush after all that winter and early spring rain, the butterflies are back....

These Spring Sunsets
As you know, from earlier posts, I LOVE sunsets. The most interesting sunsets are in the winter, spring, and after storms. The photo...

Why leave dried stalks in your garden? Here's why...
Here are three mosaic darners resting in the sun on a dried fennel stalk in our garden. I took this photo yesterday, and am very excited...

Some stem-nesting bees don't emerge until the summer
If you can LEAVE the leaves and stems permanently. Your plants will produce new growth and blooms around the old stems. Click on the...

Pollinators visit between the Rivers of Rain
As you probably have heard or read in the news, California is getting a lot of rain, and a few days ago in our area of Northern...