Great information about creating habitat for bees
This chart is from the Grow Native! website: https://grownative.org/

A beautiful video of a monarch swarm in Mexico
Western Monarch Conservation
I recently attended a webinar presented by Kimberley Young, Xerces Ambassador for Education and Conservation, Xerces Society for...

Plant Native for the Native Bees in North America
Here is the link to a beautiful publication from the USDA Forest Service and Pollinator Partnership all about bees and their habitats:...

Gulf Fritillary in the late autumn sun
Now that the days are much cooler here, there are few butterflies around. When the daytime temperatures hit the mid-60's at the warmest,...

Hangry Monarch Caterpillars
This article confirmed what I've observed about monarch caterpillars. I've seen and wondered about the head-butting when one of these...

Ultraviolet light, flowers and pollinators
What a fascinating article and equally fantastic photos by Craig Burrows, of flowers and how they appear to pollinators. The pollen of...

Ah, bees
It's so good to still see many pollinators around, including bees and butterflies. Here is a Yellow-Face bumble bee Bombus vosnesenskii...

Native buckwheat still blooming and lovely
The native buckwheat plants are simply the best to grow in our hardpan California clay soil. The very lovely red buckwheat Eriogonum...

Mamma Monarchs
Several monarch butterflies visit the garden every day, all day, as long as there is daylight. They flutter by, making stops on lavender,...