It's official. The monarch butterfly is endangered
Monarch butterflies cluster at the Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary to begin their wintering in Pacific Grove, Calif., in 2021. (Melina...

Sleeping Bee
This morning there were a lot of damp surfaces in the garden and on porch railings, remainders of our wonderful Bay Area fog. I decided...

Bolinas rancher helps to bring back Monarch butterflies
https://youtu.be/KqMsgACFnlk A rancher in Bolinas, California is creating a butterfly habitat to help the Monarch population as well as...

Ants are pollinators
Plants’ seeds feed the ants and the ants plant the seeds. It's that simple.

Summer Long-Horned Bees are back
Yay! They are back! Every year I plant sunflowers from seedlings for pollinators. And I have to admit that the main pollinators I have in...

Gardeners have a very important role in the conservation and future of ecosystems and species
A must read! Let Douglas Tallamy inspire you to be part of the change! Read more here https://vnps.org/book-review-natures-best-hope-by-d...

Buckeye Butterflies
I used to just rarely see Buckeye butterflies in our garden. Now, happily, I'm seeing several of them daily. Here is one that visited our...

A bee fly visits
At first glance from a distance, many bees look very similar. And this goes for bee flies, as well. But when you look closer, you can...

Bats are essential
Source: Leaf of Life

Yellow-Faced Bumble Bee?
This bumble bee was visiting our native buckwheat patch several days ago. From a distance I thought it was a Yellow-Faced bumble bee...