Best hobby in the world?
Indeed it is!!! Your local native plant society here: https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/links.shtml?fbclid=IwAR329A98aj5bpgINfq-N3C5UEI6V...

Hermit thrushes in the garden
In winters past, it seemed a rarity to spot a hermit thrush in our garden. It felt lucky to spot one or two of them. But now that our...

Thank your carpenter bees
Ah, the hard working carpenter bee! They have no stinger, therefore don't sting. More about carpenter bees here:...

Chrysalises resemble fallen, dried leaves
Read this excellent article by the Xerxes Society: https://xerces.org/blog/leave-the-leaves?fbclid=IwAR1WSXN9u5I3K07AMJ4NTvClh2c71p92__Cs...

White-throated sparrow visiting for the winter
At one o'clock pm today there was some steady traffic at the bird bath. We were surprised to see a variety of birds, all visiting at the...

First sighting this year of a Black-tailed Bumble Bee
I always look forward to the arrival in the beginning of the year, of the first native bees in the garden. There are several Yellow-faced...

Let your garden be messy
A great article from the Xerxes Society here: https://xerces.org/blog/5-ways-to-increase-nesting-habitat-for-bees?fbclid=IwAR0zC5jMxSmI-Y...

France sets the example
And all other countries should do the same! Click on this link to read further: https://www.treehugger.com/french-parks-and-public-garden...

Monarch visiting
Now that we're having a dry spell mid-winter, and temperatures are in the low sixties, we're seeing a few monarch butterflies out and...

Living Roofs for Native Pollinators
A wild, non-native bee forages for pollen on the green roof of the University of Toronto’s GRIT Lab.GRIT Lab In dense urban environments,...