Celebrate the 5th International Monarch Monitoring Blitz by Participating All Across North America!
Here is your chance to be a citizen scientist and gather data to help the scientific community conserve the monarch butterfly along its...

Gray Hairstreak Butterfly
Skippers and other little native butterflies like to lay their eggs on our Seacliff Eriogonum parvifolium and Ella Nelson's Yellow...
For everyone who is creating habitat and planting milkweed for monarch butterflies
Here is an awesome video with the sound of millions of monarchs flying off of their overwintering site in Mexico. The video was made in...

Oak titmouse in the bath
We haven't seen any Oak titmice for a while, but definitely hear the distinctive songs and chatter. Yesterday afternoon while sitting in...

Yellow-Faced Bumble Bees at work
We definitely seem to have a lot of Yellow-Faced Bumble Bees Bombus vosnesenskii in the garden. They are so cute. Here is a rear view of...

They're here!
Monarch caterpillar on a native Showy milkweed leaf Monarch butterfly mamas have been busy laying eggs on our potted native milkweed...

California Towhee fledgling visiting
Fledglings are always so cute to observe. You can tell they are not quite adults, not only from the partially still fluffy plumage, but...

Anise Swallowtail, what a survivor
An Anise Swallowtail Papilio zelicaon visited the native patch area of the garden, and rested a while on the Mexican salvia hedge. Poor...

Colorful native blooms
In an otherwise quite dry and tan landscape due to drought, colorful native blooms bring so much joy. It's that time of year for the...

Insects and a sprig of rosemary
Jan Van Kessel "Insects and a Sprig of Rosemary" 1653 National Gallery of Art, Washington Such beautiful details of different insects!