Wild, not Tame
Photo: Claire Takacs Great article on Forbes website about more interest in developing environmental friendly gardens:...

Butterflies are back!
Hooray, it's Spring! The front yard is bright with native plants in shades of purple, lavender and orange. Shortly after the blooming...

First sighting ever of a Western Bluebird in the garden
Photo by Brooke Miller/Macaulay Library This afternoon I happened to look out the living room window and saw a bird perched on a tall...

Native milkweed plants awakening
Oh, don't you love Spring? I've been monitoring our native milkweed pots for the past few weeks, wondering if the milkweed plants that...

Must See!
Have you seen this documentary? Oh, but you must! The documentary presents the a very viable solution to our climate crisis. More info:...

Native bees out and about
Here they are! A Black Tailed Bumble Bee Bombus melanopygus approaches a cluster of Ray Hartman ceanothus blossoms. Note the yellow...

Spring is here
Birds are singing and building nests, while some of the native bees are emerging from their nests. Fortunately our native plants are...

Shades of blue
Sometimes twilight can be just as dramatic as sunset. This was taken from our front porch a couple of days. I love the different cloud...