Oh what a sunset this evening
This was the grand finale of this evening's sunset. I don't remember ever seeing such cloud formations in the last rays of the sun. Just...

Importance of Community Scientists and Native Plants
You too can participate in helping our feathered friends and scientists! For information click on this: https://www.audubon.org/content/h...

First blooms of the year in the native patch
It's that time of year for some of the native plants to start to bloom, especially after the December rains and a few unusually warm...

Ceanothus in bloom
All the rain showers in late December resulted in this loveliness. the Ray Hartman ceanothus and one of the lavender shrubs in the...

Best hobby in the world?
Indeed it is!!! Your local native plant society here: https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/links.shtml?fbclid=IwAR329A98aj5bpgINfq-N3C5UEI6V...

Hermit thrushes in the garden
In winters past, it seemed a rarity to spot a hermit thrush in our garden. It felt lucky to spot one or two of them. But now that our...

Thank your carpenter bees
Ah, the hard working carpenter bee! They have no stinger, therefore don't sting. More about carpenter bees here:...

More Sunset Magic
A few days ago at sunset I noticed a very strange cloud formation. You can see it toward right of the center of the photo above. First...

How songbirds know where to return to breed every year
Eurasian Reed Warbler Photo:Ralph Martin/Agami Photo Agency/Alamy I've always wondered how songbirds know to return to the same breeding...

Chrysalises resemble fallen, dried leaves
Read this excellent article by the Xerxes Society: https://xerces.org/blog/leave-the-leaves?fbclid=IwAR1WSXN9u5I3K07AMJ4NTvClh2c71p92__Cs...