Another glorious sunset
Oh, look at those clouds! The cloud layer at the top of the photo reflects the sunset so beautifully. Same sunset, further to the left in...

Bath Time!
These are Golden-crowned sparrows. The sparrow on the left just emerged from the bath after much splashing. It is thoroughly soaked....

The beautiful work of Mother Nature
This was the view from our front porch two days ago. The thick fog bank in the bay turned hills and mountains into islands. Then we...

Golden-crowned Sparrow checking out the water sources
This sparrow was checking out it drinking and bathing options in smaller dishes around the patio. This dish is filled with red glass...

Fascinating podcast from BBC Radio 3 about the monarch butterfly's journey
A very awesome podcast from BBC Radio 3 - Between the Ears, Flight of the Monarch. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m000qyhz?fbclid=IwAR...

Oak Titmouse in the Birdbath
At last! Finally captured a pretty good image of an oak titmouse in the garden. I hear them often, singing or chattering. They frequently...

And then there are days like this
Oh how I love to look out at the drama Mother Nature creates in the sky. This moody sunset was preceded earlier in the day by a heavy...

National Bird Day!
In honor of National Bird Day, some birds visiting our garden today. Above, one of the hermit thrushes splashing in the bird bath. If...

Bushtit in action
Between light rain showers this bushtit landed on a cluster of dried blackberry blossoms. Either it is eating seeds or insects on the...

Bushtit and Abutilon blossoms
This bushtit was determined to snack on the sepals of an abutilon blossom. It perched on the branch of the California figwort as it eyed...