Another awesome sunset today
As you can see I never tire of looking at sunsets. In the winter they are always so dramatic, as was the sunset this evening. This view...

A beautiful video of a monarch swarm in Mexico
Western Monarch Conservation
I recently attended a webinar presented by Kimberley Young, Xerces Ambassador for Education and Conservation, Xerces Society for...

Plant Native for the Native Bees in North America
Here is the link to a beautiful publication from the USDA Forest Service and Pollinator Partnership all about bees and their habitats:...

Spotted Towhee in the bath
The first time I saw a spotted towhee was last summer. I had never seen one before, and first thought it was an American robin, because...

Atmospheric River Sunset
This was our sunset today after a day of changeable weather. Clouds laden with rain that poured down alternated with brief periods of...

Rain and hail showers
At last we had a pretty good soaking of rain, with the bonus of hailstones. The hailstones were the size of pearls. Some created...

Sparrows in a tree
I heard a Northern mockingbird singing loudly. When I looked out the kitchen door window I saw this. There are both white crowned and...

Meyer Lemon Budino
Budino is Italian for "pudding". This is a very light and scrumptious dessert, that serves 6 portions. You will need 6 ramekins. I have...

Western Scrub Jay's bath time
This Western Scrub Jay got completely soaked in the bath, splashing and preening. Here it is hopping back in. Splashing action. All clean...