is the sound of extinction. Acclaimed environmental philosopher and nature writer Kathleen Dean Moore has written a new collection of...

Native Garden Observations
Spring is such a magical time. All those dormant plants that you're never sure you'll ever see again suddenly wake up and rise. Here is a...

Ooh, how about this sunset?
So interesting how a sunset can look quite ordinary at first. Then you happen to look out the window twenty minutes later. And see this....

How Suburbs could help save Biodiversity
Credit: William Leaman Alamy Please read this article from Scientific American: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-the-suburb...

Yellow Faced Bumble Bee and the Verbena De La Mina
This is the first time I've ever seen the Yellow-faced bumble bee on the native Verbena De La Mina shrub. In the past years I've only...

Golden-crowned Sparrow visiting
A wonderful golden-crowned sparrow was willing to remain perched on a branch while I photographed it. I was testing my new telephoto lens...

Non-Native Plants are Contributing to Global Insect Decline
Excellent article about the importance of native plants. Enzo Pérès-Labourdette /Yale E360 https://e360.yale.edu/features/how-non-native-...

Our first California poppy of the year
Poppies have always had such a special place in my heart, ever since I first saw fields of red poppies. I was a little girl at the time,...

Ray Hartman ceanothus in bloom
It's always such a treat to witness the Ray Hartman ceanothus blooming overnight. Okay, the blossoms were buds for several days. Then...

The butterflies are arriving
After a couple of days of rain, the weather is sunny, a little nippy and breezy. This is the second time I've ever seen a red admiral...