Ivory Banded Digger Bees
This afternoon an Ivory Banded Digger Bee male Anthophora californica spent a lot of time around the Pozo Blue salvia plant. As you can...

Pollinators are our secret weapon
Photo by Michelle D'urbano A great article in New Scientist, about the unappreciated, critical role pollinators play when it comes to...

Hummingbirds visiting
With all the plants starting to bloom, more pollinators, including hummingbirds are visiting. This is an Anna's hummingbird sipping...

Northern mockingbirds are such characters
This Northern mockingbird landed in the native patch in the afternoon sun. He was very vigilant, looking for a snack. As he marched...

Cedar Waxwings in the morning. Oh my!
It was mostly cloudy day with temperatures in the 60's. In the morning I heard the distinct little chirps of Cedar waxwings, and looked...

Happy Easter or Spring!
A corner of our garden popular with the pollinators and birds. California natives Blue Bush lupine Lupinus propinquus and Monkey Flower...

Just watching the bees
It's been very warm for the past couple of the days. Accordingly, the California poppies are literally popping up everywhere in the...

The start of Spring Bloom in our garden
Every day more and more California poppies are opening up in the garden. They are so brilliantly colored and cheerful, as they gently bob...

Butterfly visitors
Oh butterflies, how we missed you! Here a Common Hairstreak Strymon melinus is checking the blossom of a ground cover plant next to the...

And suddenly this appears
As we were having breakfast, we heard a big thump on the roof. I assumed that the neighborhood crows were being extra rambunctious. Then...