Honey Bee and California Hairstreak feasting on blackberry nectar
Stand or sit still for a while outdoors and you will see so much in nature that you never expected. I was standing on our patio in the...

Yellow-Faced Bumble Bee on a Blue Thimble Flower
Yellow-Faced Bumble Bees, Bombus vosnesenskii, have been constant visitors in our garden ever since early spring. I don't remember seeing...

Leaf Cutting Bee on the Chim Chiminee
So nice to see a leaf cutting bee on the Rudbeckia hirta "Chim Chiminee". This is a hard to find "Black Eyed Susan" that I purchased from...

Sunday greetings to you!
Here is a Yellow-Faced bumble bee flying in the California Thai Silk poppy patch. Look at all that pollen in its basket!

Some very good books about pollinators and pollinator-friendly gardening
Aside from being a passionate organic gardener, planting for the pollinators, I am also an avid reader. I have many nature-themed books...

A Summer Long-horned Bee laden with Pollen
Just look at all that pollen that this Summer Long-horned female has groomed into its scopa on its hind legs. Yes, all that bright yellow...

Thank your Flower Flies
Flower flies, otherwise known as hover flies or syrphid flies, are common visitors in gardens, but because some of them, like this one,...

Feed the Pollinators
And they will help feed you. It's that time of year when we see the lovely and tasty results of a great team effort, ours and the bees'....

Another Leaf Cutting Bee Sighting
The leaf cutting bees Megachile Latreille have been busy in the native patch for several weeks now, and I've observed them on the...

Wool Carder Bee female making a fiber ball for her nest
Aha! Captured this female Wool Carder bee Anthidium manicatum making a fiber ball from a lambs ear. Good timing for me, although the...