The bees are visiting
Although it was cool and gusty for part of the day, it was sunny. And some bees seemed okay with that. Here is a honey bee on one of the...

Hoverfly enjoying a Sunny Day
After several cool, gray days and a gully-washer of a rainstorm yesterday, the sunshine was sheer delight today. While checking out the...

Bees and the Ivy Berries
Now that many nectar producing plants are going dormant, the English ivy seems to be the main attraction for the bees. As long as...

A wonderful book you must read
I'm currently reading this extraordinary memoir by award-winning journalist Meredith May, who is a fifth- generation beekeeper. A story...

Well hello there
Such a nice surprise to see a yellow-faced bumble bee visiting. These bumble bees had been a constant presence in our garden from the...

Bees in the Garden
The warm October weather keeps the pollinators around, as long as we there is nectar and pollen to be had. Many of the native bees seem...

Honey Bees and Lavender
One thing you can always be sure of, where there's lavender blooming, you'll find honey bees. Our two lavender plants in the front yard...

As long as there is nectar
Pollinators are still in the garden this autumn, fortunately. We've only been living in this house for a couple of years, so I keep...

Prepare to land
Not only are milkweed plants important for the monarch butterfly larvae, but other beneficial insects are attracted to the plants as...

Buzzing around the patio
The blossoms on many plants are drying up, as is usual for this time of year. But pollinators are still finding good nectar sources. The...