Beautiful Buckwheat
It's that glorious time of year when buckwheat is nearly the main event in the native garden. This is a true California garden. From left...

The Long-Horned Bees are back
And... they're back! At first I thought this was a digger bee, but the antennae are so long. I didn't dare to hope, but sure enough, this...

Happy Bees
Now that it's in the middle of the summer, and days are hot, bees are all over the garden, sipping nectar and collecting pollen. The...

Sleeping Yellow-Faced Bumble Bees
How sweet. Yesterday morning I discovered these two Yellow-faced bumble bees Bombus vosnesenskii asleep on separate nude buckwheat ...

Sleeping Bumble Bees
You just never know what you'll discover in the garden, early in the morning. I was checking the water in the bird bath, and happened to...

Bee visitors in the garden
Other native plants are blooming, and the bees are visiting them. This is a Cameo Yarrow Achillea millefolium 'Cameo' flower head, with...

Bees need a water source, too
In the late afternoon, I often find bees, especially honey bees, drinking water in the bird bath. This is one of the reasons why I have a...

Yellow-Faced Bumble Bees buddies
Well this is the first time I have ever seen two Yellow-faced bumble bees Bombus vosnesenskii at the same time on a lambs ear, and right...

Oh my, the Lambs Ears are starting to bloom
Since we had very warm weather for the past two weeks, some plants such as the Lambs Ears are starting to bloom. Here is one of the Lambs...

Sleeping Bumble Bee
It's such a thrill to discover bees sleeping in the garden. Imagine sleeping right on your breakfast. This yellow-faced bumble bee Bombus...