Yellow-Faced Bumble Bee pollinating the Sunshine Blueberries
Between the rainstorms this yellow-faced bumble bee Bombus vosnesenskii has been busy pollinating our sunshine blueberry blossoms. I...

Lavender is a great nectar source for the pollinators
If you want a guaranteed nectar source all year-round, plant lavender shrubs. Here is a honey bee feeding on nectar from one of our...

Honey Bee on Lavender Blossoms
We were away on vacation for a couple of weeks and returned just before New Year's Eve. It was such a nice welcome sight in the garden -...

Bees and the Ivy Berries
It's that time of year when the ivy produces berries. And when it's not raining, the hum of buzzing fills the air. Here is a honey bee...

Honey bees still getting nectar in the garden
How nice to still see bees active in the garden. Between the rainstorms we have periods of sun, and that's when the bees are out. Here is...

Honey bees still busy in the garden
Even with the temperatures cooling down, and the smoky air from the Camp Fire further northeast, the bees are still busy at work in the...

Our dear, dear bumble bees
Bumble bees are now officially considered an endangered species. What very sad news. https://iheartintelligence.com/bumblebee-declared-en...

Yellow-faced bumble bee moving pollen
Last weekend while I was checking out the native plants, something suddenly plopped down in front of me. It was this Yellow-Faced Bumble...

As long as there is nectar
Even though a lot of plants are going dormant, we still have bees and butterfly visitors in the garden every day. As long as there are...

Well that didn't take long
When we went to Annies Annuals last weekend to buy "a few plants", I couldn't resist a Rosa chinensis 'Mutabilis' China Rose plant. I...