Yellow-faced Bumble Bee in the Native Patch
Oh how busy these yellow-faced bumble bees Bombus vosnesenskii are in the garden. And also very determined. The one in the image above is...

Sleeping Bees in the Native Patch
It was such a delight to discover sleeping bees around our mostly California garden patch this morning. Seeing these bees at rest on...

Longhorn Bee on Cosmic Evolution Coreopsis
This month we seem to have a lot of Longhorn Bee visitors in our mostly California native garden. Based on the regular thick bands on the...

Sleeping Summer Longhorn Bee
This male Summer Longhorn Bee Eucera , part of the Apidae group, slept in the same Cosmos bipinnatus 'Cupcakes White' blossom for several...

Pollinators and Flowers
So we started to create this garden one and a half years ago. And the pollinators come. Above is an umber skipper Poanes melane on a...

The Summer Long-Horned Bees are Back!
Look who was in a cosmos cupcake blossom this weekend. I was so happy to see this Summer Long-Horned female bee Melissodes robustior....

Honey Bee full of pollen
While observing the variety of bees visiting the blooming lambs ear patch, it was such a treat to see this honey bee land on the flower...

Gilia Capitata "Blue Thimble Flower"
The Gilia Capitata “Blue Thimble Flower”, a California native, reseeded itself so well from last year, that it creates a nice patch of...

The Green Sweat Bees are Back
It's that time of year for the green sweat bees Agapostemon Guerin-Meneville to return to the garden. These are the A. texanus species,...

Yellow Faced Bumble Bee approaching Bee Plant
Oh, we have so many yellow-faced bumble bees Bombus vosnesenskii constantly visiting the garden, both around the California native patch...