Yellow-faced bumble bee enjoying the lavender
There are so many yellow-faced bumble bees in the garden these days. I just think they are adorable. Look at this one on a lavender...

"Portrait of a Garden" by Rosie Stapel
I just watched this film today and found it very meditative, and informative. To paraphrase Jan Freriks, the 86 year old master pruner, ...

Here comes the honey bee, straight for a Blue Thimble flower globe
It so much fun to observe bees and butterflies visiting native plants in our garden. Here is a honey bee heading straight for a Blue...

Rolling in the pollen
The California alba poppies are getting their second round of leaves and blossoms of the season. And look who is literally rolling in the...

Yellow Faced Bumble Bee visiting Margarita Bop Blossoms
The yellow faced bumble bee bombus vosnesenskii spent time with the Margarita Bop penstemon blossoms. This native plant is only one of...

Bees and Lambs Ears
All of the lambs ears plants that I planted as little seedlings one and a half years ago, started to produce inflorescences a month ago....

It's the Ivory Banded Digger Bee
This weekend I got lucky getting images of the very busy Ivory Banded Digger Bees Amegilla quadrifasciata in the garden. This one is in...

Look who loves the Yellow Coastal Bush Lupine
Our Yellow Coastal Bush Lupines Lupinus arboreus are growing quickly and the bees love the blossoms. Here is a yellow-faced bumble bee...

Happy World Bee Day!
I'm a day late posting these images from our garden for the first World Bee Day, but better late than never, right? This wool carder bee...

First Female Wool Carder Bee Sighting
The wool carder bees Anthidium Fabricius are back, and right on schedule. Their flight season is from May to October, and since this is...