Honey bee moving pollen to its baskets
On Sunday, while standing in the garden, I noticed a honey bee land on a leaf of the tree lavaterra. I noticed that it had some pollen on...
sunshine and blooms for the bees
honey bee on lavender blossom The lavender hedge looks best at this time of year. With winter rains and cooler weather the hedge always...
Ray Hartman Ceanothus gearing up for its big show soon
Our huge ceanothus shrub is developing tiny flower heads that will be in full bloom in one or two months. Once the shrub is in full...
Rosemary hedge = bees' diner
The winter rains have helped the rosemary hedges produce more blossoms, which are attracting a lot of bees. There is the sound of...
bees, bees, bees!
Wool Carder Bee in the rosemary hedge The rosemary hedges are full of blooms, providing a lot of food for the bees. Today around noon I...
Honey bee and Anna's hummingbird in the rosemary
Walking around the garden today after a rain shower, a delightful sight - an Anna's hummingbird and a honey bee feasting on the nectar of...
Here's to a brighter, better new year!
Happy New Year from a honeybee in the rosemary hedge today
Honey bee in the rosemary hedge
Most bees seem to be hibernating, but as long as there is food for them, some bees are still out and about. Because the rosemary hedges...
"Owl and Bees"
"Owl and Bees" - Joseph Crawhall Source: Art Gallery and Museum Kelvingrove, Glasgow, Scotland Wikimedia Commons
The rosemary hedge is blooming
The rosemary hedge is blooming! Obviously it is drought tolerant because we have rarely watered it this year. So it's great to see it so...