Leafcutting bees in the garden
Look at those circular holes cut out along the edges of the rose leaves. Unmistakable evidence that we have leafcutting bees nesting...

Bees in the backyard
Hover fly August is always the month when plants look very tired and much of the garden is dried out. It is even harder to keep plants...

The Munstead lavender plant
Here is our first bud on the Munstead lavender plant we bought last year. It looks so nice and fresh, on the verge of opening up to...

The Mammoth sunflower and bees
As I mentioned in an earlier post, this summer we have a Mammoth sunflower growing in a large container pot in our backyard. Apparently...

Feeding the pollinators
This Giant Zinnia plant has been growing in a large container pot for at least 4 years! Interesting enough, now that I haven't watered it...

Busy bees
Here's another honey bee in the lobelia planter. I wonder if this is the same bee that was covered with white pollen the other day. To be...

Honey bee and white pollen
Honey bee in Prom Dress cosmos The honey bee here landed on the cosmos flower and fed on the nectar for a long time. What is particularly...

Happy Summer Solstice!
Honey bee flying in the lavatera shrub

Bees on a breezy day
Honey bee on a Mexican Salvia salvia leucantha The honey bee above is feeding on the nectar of a Mexican salvia spike. The blooms are so...

Bees and Blooms
All the seedlings that I bought from Annie's Annuals are blooming! The honey bee in the photo above is feeding on nectar and collecting...