Bee Hotel a Deathtrap?
Before you put up a bee hotel, think about the environment you are creating. And be prepared to maintain a clean, healthy environment for...

Butterflies in the dry field
It's been very interesting to observe many butterflies visiting the dry field in the back of our new residence. The field is currently...

And now they are chrysalides
So far, we have discovered two monarch chrysalides around the patio. This one attached itself to the bottom lip of a large flower pot....

Summer Long-Horned bee hotel
I have been checking every evening at sunset the Pozo Blue sage to see how many Summer Long-Horned male bees are sleeping on the dried...

Summer Long-Horned Bees are back
Yay! They are back! Every year I plant sunflowers from seedlings for pollinators. And I have to admit that the main pollinators I have in...

Buckeye Butterflies
I used to just rarely see Buckeye butterflies in our garden. Now, happily, I'm seeing several of them daily. Here is one that visited our...

Leaf cutting bees handiwork
There must be some leaf cutting bee Megachilidae nests near by, judging from all of the circular cutouts in these leaves. You can see...

Honey Bees in the birdbath
Yesterday around 5 pm I checked the birdbath to see if the water needed to be changed or replenished. This is the scene I came upon,...

Yellow-faced Bumble Bee and a California Poppy
Oh what a lovely sight! California poppies are blooming in the yard and the Yellow-faced bumble bees Bombus vosnesenskii are back,...