Yellow Faced Bumble Bee in the Ray Hartman ceanothus
Bees are very busy in the garden now. Just look at the pollen basket on this Yellow-Faced Bumble Bee Bombus vosnesenskii . These are the...

Black Bottomed Bumble Bee and the Silver Bush Lupine blossoms
Look who is visiting the Silver Bush Lupine Lupinus albifrons “Silver Bush Lupine”. It's a Black Bottomed Bumble Bee, and look at the...

Monarch resting on tree fern fronds
Last weekend, when the weather was dry and sunny, there was a lot of activity in the garden and patio. Birds were visiting all day, and...

First carpenter bee sighting of the year
Here is my first carpenter bee sighting of the year on our patio. It is a male Mountain Carpenter Bee Xylocopa tabaniformis orpifex,...

It was a Painted Lady
In my last post I wrote that the Black Phoebe ate a Checkerspot butterfly. But after observing butterfly activity in the native garden...

Honey Bee and Borage Blossoms
What a great weekend to observe bees, birds and butterflies! The weather was lovely with warmer temperatures and sunshine. We love the...

Black tailed Bumble Bee on the Ceanothus
I originally identified this bumble bee as a hover fly because there is a hover fly that resembles it. After researching further, I've...

Silver Bush Lupine in the rain
Last autumn we planted three Silver Bush Lupines Lupinus albifrons in larger pots on the patio. These perennials grow naturally along the...

What's for lunch?
It's so wonderful to see in the garden several plants blooming almost throughout the year, providing nourishment and habitat for the...

Well hello there, honey bee
It was a dry and fairly sunny day today and some bees were out and about in the garden. For example this honey bee perched on top of a...