Ladybugs working hard around the patio
We had a pretty good-sized infestation of little orange aphids in the backyard, particularly on two of our larger narrow leaf milkweed...

Seven monarchs released this weekend
This past weekend we released a record amount of seven monarchs. Two females emerged and were released on Saturday afternoon. Two more...

Another lovely monarch female released
We released another monarch female two days ago. She eclosed around 8.30 am but wasn't ready to be released until after 2 pm. Sometimes...

Just hanging out with the honey bees
The honey bees were busy in so many different flowers this morning, it was such a pleasure to observe. Here is a honey bee taking a brief...

Borage plants and Bees
Borage is such a great plant. It provides nectar for pollinators all day long, replenishing its nectar every two minutes (!). I think...

Bees in the Cupcake White Cosmos
The Cosmos Cupcake White blossoms are a great attraction for bees. Not only are these very lovely blossoms, but they also provide nectar...

Butterflies in the Garden
Many native butterflies visit our mostly native garden. Some are so small that you might not even notice them unless you remain still for...

Naked buckwheat and a honey bee
The naked buckwheat Eriogonum nudum has tall, bare, leafless stems, topped with rounded clusters of white and pale pink flowers. The...

More monarchs
We are still releasing monarchs as they eclose / emerge and are ready for their adventures outdoors. Each one reacts a little differently...