Bees love the California Delta Sunflower
We planted California Delta Sunflowers again this year, but for some reason they aren't thriving as well as the ones we planted last...

Yellow-face Bumble Bee
Now that the oregano plant is blooming, the bees have another food source. Here is a yellow-face bumble bee foraging for nectar and...

Leaf cutter bees and, hey, isn't that a monarch?
The leaf cutter bees are back and I'm seeing them on many flowers in the garden. Here are two leaf cutter bees, one about to land on the...

Weekend monarch activity
This weekend we released four more monarch butterflies after they eclosed. Three were male, one female. The female, shown above on a...

Busy bees in the breeze
The garden is always full of the buzzing sound of bees. It's such a comforting sound. Above are two leaf cutter bees taking off and...

Monarchs are emerging every day now
We are still busy raising the monarch caterpillars. Most of the group are now in chrysalis mode. And we seem to be releasing one or two...

Female Carpenter Bee and the Indigo Spires Salvia
The Carpenter Bees Xylocopa varipuncta really are attracted to the Indigo Spires salvia blossoms. Indigo Spires salvia produces nectar,...

The tentative female monarch butterfly
When we released a male monarch butterfly last week, a female had eclosed that morning. In the afternoon, when it was sunny and warm, it...

Yellow-faced Bumble Bee in the Native Patch
Oh how busy these yellow-faced bumble bees Bombus vosnesenskii are in the garden. And also very determined. The one in the image above is...

More Monarch Caterpillar Fun
We currently have in the monarch caterpillar hampers fourteen chrysalides, eleven in "j" positionand twelve caterpillars. We released one...