Honey Bee full of pollen
While observing the variety of bees visiting the blooming lambs ear patch, it was such a treat to see this honey bee land on the flower...

Gilia Capitata "Blue Thimble Flower"
The Gilia Capitata “Blue Thimble Flower”, a California native, reseeded itself so well from last year, that it creates a nice patch of...

The Green Sweat Bees are Back
It's that time of year for the green sweat bees Agapostemon Guerin-Meneville to return to the garden. These are the A. texanus species,...

Yellow Faced Bumble Bee approaching Bee Plant
Oh, we have so many yellow-faced bumble bees Bombus vosnesenskii constantly visiting the garden, both around the California native patch...

Time to raise the monarch caterpillars
Good grief! It's already time to raise the monarch caterpillars. I posted pictures last week of a couple of tiny monarch caterpillars I...

Lovely buckwheat
It's that time of year when the buckwheat plants start to bloom again, just when the late Spring plants lose their blossoms. And look how...

Yellow-faced bumble bee enjoying the lavender
There are so many yellow-faced bumble bees in the garden these days. I just think they are adorable. Look at this one on a lavender...

Our native garden now
Our native, or mostly native, garden now is looking just as it should. This is quite different from our garden at our previous residence,...

Ladybug party
And those ladybugs are multiplying on one of the Yellow Coastal Bush Lupines! Originally I observed some ladybugs eating green aphids on...

The monarchs are here!
I can't believe it, we already have some monarch caterpillars on a couple of our Narrow Leaf Milkweed Asclepias fascicularis plants. A...