Splish Splash
Due to the ongoing avian flu situation, we put away the birdbaths until we get the go ahead to put the baths back out. Just this little...

A Round of Robins and the Ivy Berries
This is our first winter in our current house. I wondered if the American robins would visit our backyard, as they visited the previous...

How to prevent birds from flying into your windows
An excellent illustration on how to help our feathered friends. Here is more information from the Humane Society of the United States...

Plant Natives in your Garden
Read more about key native plants that support shrinking number of insects, stabilize food webs here: https://www.udel.edu/udaily/2020/de...

Ants are important!
Read more here: https://harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu/ants/ecological-importance?fbclid=IwAR0mID2dAHUlXk8u9yRiOjak6fOVYtbK7FGBa2XI3Ka7wHU...

Mama house finch has abandoned the nest
Oh dear! There may be no incubation of finches in the nest that was built on the drainpipe outside of our house. I only saw mama house...

Turn out the lights for bird migration! Happening now.
Click on this link on Birdcast to follow bird migration currently happening in North America. These real-time analysis maps show...

Cedar Waxwings are back
Just when I was afraid that the cedar waxwings weren't returning this year, they reassured me with their presence. With the sound like a...

How to help North American Birds
North American birds are in decline. Here are 8 simple ways to help them: https://www.npr.org/2022/04/13/1092678564/north-american-birds-...