Dark-eyed Junco visits
The only time I ever saw a Dark-eyed Junco was the very first winter we lived in our current home, almost five years ago. It was early...

Birds outperform pesticides
Great article from the Cornell Lab! Northern Parula by Ryan Sanderson/McCauley Library https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/at-orchards-and...

California Towhee fledgling visiting
Fledglings are always so cute to observe. You can tell they are not quite adults, not only from the partially still fluffy plumage, but...

Brown eyed Bushtit fledgling
A group of Brown-eyed bushtits visited the patio, including a fledgling. It caught my interest because of its behavior. After the rest of...

Brown-eyed Bushtits on the Abutilon
Oh, how I love to watch the bushtits descend upon the garden. Around the patio one of their favorite places to feed is on the Tiger Eye...

Hummingbirds visiting
With all the plants starting to bloom, more pollinators, including hummingbirds are visiting. This is an Anna's hummingbird sipping...

Northern mockingbirds are such characters
This Northern mockingbird landed in the native patch in the afternoon sun. He was very vigilant, looking for a snack. As he marched...

Cedar Waxwings in the morning. Oh my!
It was mostly cloudy day with temperatures in the 60's. In the morning I heard the distinct little chirps of Cedar waxwings, and looked...

Whew! Close call...
While standing in our front yard today, observing bees in the Ray Hartman ceanothus, I heard rustling sounds in our next door neighbor's...