Cedar Waxwings are back
Oh how I love the cedar waxwings! I look forward to their arrival every spring, and here they are. This morning was the first time this...

Brown Eyed Bushtit visits
Another cute brown-eyed bushtit visited the backyard and patio. It was foraging for insects and seemed to find some delicacies. Here it...

Even the Western Scrub Jay enjoys a bath
There is at least one Western Scrub Jay that visits the bird bath several times a day, sometimes to drink water and sometimes to bathe....

Drama at the birdbath
I'm starting to notice different species of birds sharing and not sharing the birdbath. Usually just one bird at a time will savor the...

American robins are back
Before I even see any of these birds, I always can tell when they are back from their very distinctive chatter and chirps. And I could...

Golden Crowned Sparrows visiting
It brings such pleasure to observe so much bird activity in our backyard and patio. When we moved to our current residence, the garden...

The constant visitor in our garden, black phoebe
This Northern Black Phoebe seems to be very comfortable in our garden. It visits throughout the day, chirping, and always on the watch...

White Throated Sparrow sighting
A White Throated Sparrow has been visiting our garden for the past few days. I thought at first that it was a white crowned sparrow with...

Brown-eyed bushtit on the salvia shrub
The brown-eyed bushtits visit the garden several times a day, in a flock of at least a dozen. They seem to find a lot of insects to eat,...

Northern Mockingbirds visit
The Northern Mockingbirds seem to be very comfortable around the garden, all year round. A couple of them checked out the garden beds for...