Monarch chrysalis in a curious place
I read today that some monarch caterpillars will weave their silk pads and attach to the underside of stones and proceed to pupate. When...

Monarch caterpillars on their way
After a few weeks of ...now you see them, now you don't, we've observed three caterpillars eat their way into fifth instar. This number...

Buckeye Butterfly visitor
How exciting! My first sighting of a buckeye butterfly Junonia coenia in our garden! And just a day after seeing leaf cutting bees on...

Some very good books about pollinators and pollinator-friendly gardening
Aside from being a passionate organic gardener, planting for the pollinators, I am also an avid reader. I have many nature-themed books...

Monarch Caterpillars are growing
Here is one of the caterpillars who were still tiny eggs nineteen days ago. It is a little less than 1/4 inch long, and is on a showy...

The Monarch Butterflies are back!
At last! Hopeful signs on the milkweed! I spotted a monarch butterfly flying over the patio sometime in June, and hoped it was a female...

A visiting Pale Swallowtail Butterfly
Yesterday afternoon we were honored to have a Pale Swallowtail Papilio eurymedon spend a while resting on a blackberry leaf above the...

The monarchs earlier this month
As you may remember from my post early this month, we were fortunate to have a monarch mama visit the backyard in May, and lay eggs on...

Lovely Cabbage White blending in with Blossom
At first glance doesn't this look like an exotic flower with a lot of petals? That's what I thought at first until I realized that the...

The friendly Umber Skipper
Another cheerful Umber Skipper Poanes melane in the garden, this time perched on the top of a Chiapas flower stem. There are many of...