First Western monarch sighting in the garden
Welcome back! With their population drastically diminishing, anytime I see a Western monarch I find it such an uplifting experience. And...

Gulf Fritillary enjoying the sun
After a week of misty, rainy weather, we enjoyed a weekend of sunshine. The plants were starting to get soggy, blossoms moldy. We love...

Monarch Caterpillar Reminiscing
A month ago we still had a group of monarch caterpillars on the Narrow-leaf milkweed plants Asclepias fascicularis. I meant to cut down...

Mr Monarch defying the strong wind gusts
A male monarch visited the garden on Sunday while we were experiencing strong wind gusts. It was after nectar, and was not going to be...

Butterflies in the Wind
Butterflies held their own in spite of the very strong gusts of wind yesterday. They navigated well through the powerful air currents,...

Lovely butterfly afternoon
Today was a beautiful day. The sun shone and there was a distinctive slight crispness in the air. Fall is gradually making its arrival in...

Gulf Fritillary on the Raggedy Ann Zinnia
A gulf fritillary visits the patio every day. Until a month ago we hardly ever saw these butterflies around. I don't know if it is the...

A daily visitor, the Gulf Fritillary
A gulf fritillary visits the patio every afternoon. I wouldn't be surprised if it is the same butterfly. Here it is in one of the...

Beautiful anise swallowtail visiting
Today this anise swallowtail visited the wild red valerian flowerheads, still in full bloom. Look at all that pale colored pollen on its...