All this going on in your garden
Always so fascinating to watch these macro videos. And this is going on all around us every day!

the butterflies are here
With the warm weather and flowers blooming we are starting to see more butterfly visitors. The lovely gulf fritillary Agraulis vanillae...

Oaklandia Passionflower is blooming
The Oaklandia Passionflower Passiflora parritae x tarminiana‘Oaklandia’ vine is now producing beautiful red blossoms about 3 inches...

Western Pygmy Blue Butterfly
This past Sunday I saw this lovely little butterfly lingering in our native plant garden area, my first sighting ever. It is a Western...

blooming native
The Sonoma Coast yarrow achillea millefolium plants are blooming in the native garden. Look at all those creamy umbels that should keep...

Gulf Fritillary visiting the patio
Yesterday we had our first sighting of a Gulf Fritillary butterfly visiting the patio. I first noticed it as kept flying around the...

" Cupcakes White" Cosmos bipinnatus
I love to plant cosmos every year. They are native to the southwestern US and Mexico, and provide nectar and pollen to bees and...

Umber skipper on a butterfly bush leaf
Now that we have experienced some unseasonably hot days, the umber skippers are always flying around the plants on the patio, enjoying...

The umber skippers
Now how can I not post more images of the lovely umber skippers... The umber skipper above is perched on a magenta coreopsis flower....

The Gulf Fritillary
The butterfly bush is attracting some very lovely visitors. A gulf fritillary butterfly Agraulis vanillae spent a long time sipping...