Monarch butterfly raised and released
Success again! Here is a female monarch butterfly that emerged from its chrysalis two days ago. Today we released the female monarch...

Gulf Fritillary already emerged
As you know from my August posts, a we were anticipating the emergence of a Gulf Fritillary Butterfly Agraulis vanillae from its...

Butterflies, butterflies, butterflies
Now we are seeing a lot of butterflies around the garden, both in the native garden area and patio. They are always so lovely, flitting...

The not so lucky Gulf Fritillary caterpillars
Yesterday I posted the life cycle of a Gulf Fritillary caterpillar, the first one we spotted on the passionflower vine. It is currently...

The Gulf Fritillary Caterpillar
As you know from earlier posts, we have a passionflower plant growing above one of the gates to the backyard and patio. It is a...

Climbing aster is growing
The Carolina climbing aster Aster carolinianus is growing very well. We planted it, as a seedling, this year in March (see image below),...

Little skipper on a buckwheat flower head
I spotted this lovely little male common checkered-skipper pyrgus communis on one of the buckwheat plant flower heads. It is a very...

Inspiring UK video about attractiveness of garden plants to bees and other insects
Very inspiring UK video! So true about lambs ears - I always observe mostly wool carder bees on the flowers, and the males are VERY...

Fiery Skipper sleeping in the sunflower
A few evenings ago, I noticed this lovely little butterfly sleeping in one of the Delta Sunflowers. What great camouflage! I had never...

An American Lady butterfly
An American Lady Lady Vanessa virginiensis butterfly visited the patio yesterday afternoon. It landed on a buddleia flower head and...