Monarch Butterflies in Honolulu
While I was in Honolulu I observed many monarch butterflies fluttering in the breeze. I saw more than I have ever seen here in the Bay...

The "Family Jewels" Milkweed tree
As you may remember from a November post, we inherited a large Asclepias physocarpa "Family Jewels Tree" milkweed from a friend whose...

Penstemon 'Hidcote Pink' - Beard Tongue
The Penstemon 'Hidcote Pink' - Beard Tongue is full of blooms right now. It seems to like the cooler weather. Note the nectar guides ...

Passion flowers blooming again
The Passiflora parritae x tarminiana‘Oaklandia’ Passion flower vine is starting to bloom again. Since I have no experience growing...

Monarchs are flying south, getting ready for next year's caterpillars
All fifteen monarch butterflies have now been released, and hopefully flying south. Number fifteen, another female, emerged Sunday...

Gulf Fritillary
The Gulf Fritillaries Agraulis vanillae are always such a lovely sight. Here one of them is checking out some dandelions growing under...

Monarch male released yesterday
Look at this handsome monarch! We released him yesterday early afternoon, since he emerged from his chrysalis in the morning. He flew to...

Monarch Madness
This week we have released nine monarch butterflies, so far. On Monday we released a male. He was a little hesitant at first to leave the...

The climbing aster plant is blooming
It's so wonderful to see plants blooming for the first time, especially later in the year. As you may remember from my posts earlier this...

Monarch butterfly number 3 released
Last Friday we released monarch butterfly number 3 of our current brood, another female. She emerged in the afternoon on Thursday in this...