Pollinators and Flowers
So we started to create this garden one and a half years ago. And the pollinators come. Above is an umber skipper Poanes melane on a...

Success with two male monarchs
Oh, how lovely he is. Late this morning both monarchs emerged in good shape. They are both males. Monarch male number one emerged at...

Monarch chrysalides preparing to eclose
How exciting! The monarch chrysalides are preparing to eclose. These two buddies spun their silk pads, went into "j" form, and then...

Time to raise the monarch caterpillars
Good grief! It's already time to raise the monarch caterpillars. I posted pictures last week of a couple of tiny monarch caterpillars I...

The monarchs are here!
I can't believe it, we already have some monarch caterpillars on a couple of our Narrow Leaf Milkweed Asclepias fascicularis plants. A...

Hairstreak Butterfly on the Ribes
How delightful to spot in our native plant garden my first hairstreak butterfly Satyrium californica of the year. I was quietly sitting...

Cabbage moth and the Gilia blossoms
I spotted this cabbage moth enjoying the nectar of the gilia blossoms in our native plant garden. Yes, I know that the larva of these...

Well, hello there umber skipper!
I just love the umber skippers Poanes melane. They appear in the garden in March and are around until late October. The image above I...

New growth on the "Wooly Angelica"
We purchased two "Wooly Angelica" Angelica tomentosa seedlings last October and transplanted them in one of the flower beds on the...