One of our first Monarch caterpillars this year
Here is one of several Monarch caterpillars currently munching on our milkweed. This one is on the leaf of a native Showy milkweed. The...

Butterflies visiting the garden
It's so wonderful to see the Navajo fleabane flourishing again in spite of insufficient winter and spring rains. It's even better when...

Honey Bees in the birdbath
Yesterday around 5 pm I checked the birdbath to see if the water needed to be changed or replenished. This is the scene I came upon,...

Ants are important!
Read more here: https://harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu/ants/ecological-importance?fbclid=IwAR0mID2dAHUlXk8u9yRiOjak6fOVYtbK7FGBa2XI3Ka7wHU...

Leave the Leaves!
Support pollinators and other invertebrates. Read more here: https://xerces.org/blog/leave-the-leaves?fbclid=IwAR14wSHwEsyrCRcIxZQft6iOhy...

Feed Caterpillars, Plant Host Plants!
Find your productive plant hosts here: https://www.nwf.org/NativePlantFinder/?fbclid=IwAR0EfTOvVxj69-F62tGT0h5TRlSa8Lc3cuoKbvklrghY3E85UP...

Hooray for native bees
This post is from the Facebook page ‘the bees in your back yard’. Free online book about our native bees HERE:...

Best hobby in the world?
Indeed it is!!! Your local native plant society here: https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/links.shtml?fbclid=IwAR329A98aj5bpgINfq-N3C5UEI6V...

Thank your carpenter bees
Ah, the hard working carpenter bee! They have no stinger, therefore don't sting. More about carpenter bees here:...