Organic Apache apricots from Frog Hollow Farm!
It's apricot season! And right now Frog Hollow Farm is selling these delicious organic Apache apricots at Bay Area farmers markets or you...

Time to buy native, drought tolerant plants that will feed our pollinators!
California Poppies eschscholzia californica, the official State flower! This the month to buy your plant seedlings! And early May is when...

New plants for the pollinators in the garden
Dwarf Blue Indigo Salvia, behind on the left is a small chive plant, to the right a sage plant with edible leaves used in cooking and...

Fava Bean Spread
Mmmm....it's fava bean season, and also that time of year to buy artichokes of all sizes. This weekend the fava bean price at the Farmers...

Welcome rain!
Dwarf Blue Sapphire salvia after the Friday night/Saturday morning rain The 4 hours of rain on Friday night through early Saturday...

A new garden visitor, the Hooded Oriole
Hooded Oriole on a cable wire above the garden A few days ago, as I was observing bees in the lavatera shrub, I suddenly heard the...

More self-seeded seedlings to transplant
Tree mallow (lavatera maritima) seedling growing through concrete And here was another surprise from the past weekend. A lavatera...

Time for planting!
Abutilon "Chinese lantern" flowers, a hummingbird favorite, along the driveway Well, you have to admit that when you see plants that were...

More of "Flower + Pollinator = Fruit (or Vegetable)"
One of our heroes - a honeybee feasting on the English lavender we have growing in big pots in the backyard. Got to keep their favorite...

Flower + Pollinator = Fruit (or Vegetable)
We've all had some kind of science class in elementary school where we learned the basics botany including plant anatomy, using a flower...