Some plants that actually thrive in clay soil
As I mention in my posts, the soil in our yard is hard-pan clay. This makes it very challenging to have plants that actually flourish in...

Mona Caron's Joe Pye Weed Mural
Swiss-born artist Mona Caron creates beautiful, giant murals on buildings. This is her Joe Pye weed mural, titled Shauquethqueat's...

It's World Bee Day!
In honor of our hardworking bees, here are some that are busy in our garden all day long. In the photo above, one of our many...

Plant Natives in your Garden
Read more about key native plants that support shrinking number of insects, stabilize food webs here: https://www.udel.edu/udaily/2020/de...

Bush Monkey-flowers
Bush Monkey-flowers Diplacus aurantiacus are also known as Sticky Monkey-flowers. They got their name because they have a mouth-like...

Little native butterflies in the garden
The little skippers are some of the first butterflies to appear in the garden in the springtime. They never seem to mind having their...

Ivory banded digger bee
At last I was able to take a photo of a bee gathering pollen from the native Woolly Blue Curls Trichostema lanatum growing in our native...

Happy Earth Day!
Today is the first time I observed a Wool Carder bee visiting the plants around the patio. After some hours of welcome rain in the early...

First Mining Bee sighting of the year
Ever since the delightful Birds Eye aka Tricolored Gilia began to pop up in the native garden, I've been waiting for the mining bee...

Ivory Banded Digger Bees visiting patio plants
Now that the Blue Bush Lupine is blooming, bees visit it all day. It is an excellent nectar source for hummingbirds and bees. Here, the...