Yellow-faced Bumble Bee and a California Poppy
Oh what a lovely sight! California poppies are blooming in the yard and the Yellow-faced bumble bees Bombus vosnesenskii are back,...

Mealtime for birds in the garden
I never tire of observing creatures in our garden. Some of the birds visiting this past week were Brown-Eyed Bushtits, who always travel...

Importance of Community Scientists and Native Plants
You too can participate in helping our feathered friends and scientists! For information click on this: https://www.audubon.org/content/h...

First blooms of the year in the native patch
It's that time of year for some of the native plants to start to bloom, especially after the December rains and a few unusually warm...

Hermit thrushes in the garden
In winters past, it seemed a rarity to spot a hermit thrush in our garden. It felt lucky to spot one or two of them. But now that our...

Chrysalises resemble fallen, dried leaves
Read this excellent article by the Xerxes Society: https://xerces.org/blog/leave-the-leaves?fbclid=IwAR1WSXN9u5I3K07AMJ4NTvClh2c71p92__Cs...

Monarch visiting
Now that we're having a dry spell mid-winter, and temperatures are in the low sixties, we're seeing a few monarch butterflies out and...

Mushrooms popping up in the yard
After several weeks of nearly non-stop rain showers, the soil is very damp and mushrooms are appearing in our yard, some even in flower...

Living Roofs for Native Pollinators
A wild, non-native bee forages for pollen on the green roof of the University of Toronto’s GRIT Lab.GRIT Lab In dense urban environments,...

Why we need more insects
Find some of the best native plants for feeding birds by zip code here: https://www.nwf.org/NativePlantFinder/?fbclid=IwAR2SAxk2mxNMrAF5V...