How to design a garden for native bees!
Honeybee in Rosemary hedge Check out this excellent article by Debbie Ballentine! http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/32351570/list/how-to-des...

Our garden in October
Nasturtium in the late afternoon light Walking around our garden, no matter what time of year or the weather,there is always something...

more food for bees! Sapphire Salvia!
just purchased Sapphire Salvia/Sage plants in containers in our back yard This is considered the best time to plant for the upcoming year...

delicious treats for the hummers
Penstemon tubular bells rose: Penstemon hartwegii in our back garden It's so nice to see plants still blooming when most are going dry...

Bringing back the natives garden tours!
honeybee on our ceanothus shrub Kathy Kramer organizes native plant garden tours and workshops in the East Bay in the spring and fall of...

honeybee in "prom dress" cosmos
Prom Dress Cosmos?! Yes, that is the name of this particular cosmos plant. Don't you love it?! And just look at that honeybee in the...