sunshine and blooms for the bees
honey bee on lavender blossom The lavender hedge looks best at this time of year. With winter rains and cooler weather the hedge always...

Cedar Waxwings!
Adult Cedar Waxwing I participated this weekend in the Great Backyard Bird Count, observing birds visiting our garden...

Ray Hartman Ceanothus gearing up for its big show soon
Our huge ceanothus shrub is developing tiny flower heads that will be in full bloom in one or two months. Once the shrub is in full...

Rosemary hedge = bees' diner
The winter rains have helped the rosemary hedges produce more blossoms, which are attracting a lot of bees. There is the sound of...

bees, bees, bees!
Wool Carder Bee in the rosemary hedge The rosemary hedges are full of blooms, providing a lot of food for the bees. Today around noon I...

Future bee food
There is a lot of borage springing up in the garden, which means plenty of food for the bees in the spring through summer. You can see...

A long drink for the Coastal Redwood tree
Everything in the garden is reviving as a result of the wonderful winter rains. See how the Coastal Redwood cone is soaking up rain...

A flurry of activity in the backyard
peek-a-boo with a brown-eyed bushtit in the dwarf valencia orange tree A few days ago, between the periods of rain showers, I observed...

Here's to a brighter, better new year!
Happy New Year from a honeybee in the rosemary hedge today

Happy Holidays!
Anna's Hummingbird in the rain