Late Autumn Sunset Wonder
Oh, look at those swirls in the clouds closer to the horizon. Higher up above the trees the fog is moving north. The same sunset, same...

Bee Hotel a Deathtrap?
Before you put up a bee hotel, think about the environment you are creating. And be prepared to maintain a clean, healthy environment for...

Moody clouds after the rains
After several days of very welcome rain, in the late afternoon clouds moved in layers. So many shades of gray. And indigo.

Bumblebees play!
Fascinating! This study suggests that bumblebees have feelings. https://www.npr.org/2022/11/05/1134355887/bumblebees-can-play-does-it-mea...

Leave the Leaves!
Let leaves break down naturally. Read more here: https://xerces.org/blog/leave-the-leaves?fbclid=IwAR0i8JmlF6zgQWlLARsFC-pUtd_-avquZkQq3h...

Beautiful sunset
If you've been following my blog through the years, you already know that I love sunsets. Now that we moved to another house just up the...

First two California natives transplanted
Since there is some rain in the weather forecast, I figured it's a good time to start transplanting the California native seedlings I've...

Leave the Stems for the Stem-Nesting Bees
Image: Living Prairie Museum Remember that bees hibernate in stems during the winter! More information here https://sites.tufts.edu/polli...

Watching the dragonflies circle the garden
We have been observing daily dragonflies flying through the garden throughout most of the daylight hours. When we first moved to this...